Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michael Copon gets Interviewed! it is...the full Michael Copon interview I promised you all earlier! If you didn't check out the teasers and missed the hype, don't can check them out here.

Anyway, it was a blast to interview Mike - after watching, you'll see that he is a super chill guy with an honest head on his shoulders, which is really refreshing. To his avid fans and especially his Filipino American followers, you've got a lot to look forward to from the Michael Copon camp.

Big, huge, elephant-size thanks again to my friend Steph for pulling this all together and props to Ryne from BakitWhy for being the man on cam and repping it big for the Midwest. Check out the full interview after the jump:

Here are some quick shots I took before we sat down for the interview:

OH! And BTW...I sent Jessica (Yoshi) from WTForks a Twilight FANATIC's car I spotted in Chicago for their site and she let me in on some Twilight trivia with her post:

I didn't know that Michael Copon was considered to be the new Jacob after Twilight...pretty sweet! Thanks for the post, Jessica!

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Blogger Unknown said...

Great interview! If you guys want to get your hands on that PNOY Apparel "Revolt" hoodie Mike is sportin', head on over to right now and check out that and some cool tees!

Use the discount code CRUZIN1 to take 10% OFF your purchase from the web store. Thanks!

September 4, 2009 at 3:02 PM  
Blogger Unscene said...

Thanks Jon! And I'll definitely be stopping by PnoyApparel to get that "Revolt" hoodie - it is REALLY, REALLY cool. Thanks for the discount code!! =D

September 4, 2009 at 11:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No problem! Who took the photos? They're pretty sweet!

September 6, 2009 at 2:04 AM  

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