Saturday, August 29, 2009

Art & Copy = AWESOME!

So I went to see Art & Copy the other day with GJ and Mark over at the Music Box Theatre and I have to was AMAZING!! It was like a Michael Moore-esque style of filming, but instead of being a one-winded opinionated, trashy journalism piece, it was a complete picture of what was, what is and what could be the creative/advertising field.

Doug Pray did an amazing job at not only talking to the big players in the industry, but also down to the people that put up the billboard signs on the highways. So, so awesome. Mind the iPhone quality pics, but it was raining:

Afterwards, Mark and I hopped on the train back to the good 'ol suburbs, which mind you was like my third time ever on a train. It's a really nice change to not have to pay a million dollars for gas, parking (and tickets for no front plates), haha.

Okay by the way...$2.50 for ONE cookie and a coffee?? Totally ridiculous. Just had to share that one last tidbit.

But anyway, the movie was hugely inspiring. It made me rethink the direction in which Unscene Media is going. Thankfully, though, in a lot of ways I just felt more sure that it was growing in the right ways. Oh, and I lied. In my previous post, I was saying that the last night for screenings in Chicago was 8/28...but they actually added dates all the way through September 3rd. So yeah...if you have the time to see it, DO IT (even if you're not in the creative fields). I promise it'll be worth your time!

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