Thursday, May 20, 2010

South West Style

Alright so I've been getting a lot of people lately who have been asking what I use when I put the camera down and hit the "digital darkroom" where the other half of the work begins, so I figured I'd share a bit with you guys.

Everyone knows it can be a bit wearing to stay on the grind at the same spot the whole day/night, so I actually have two workspaces called "South" and "West" (for which direction they face). Both of them have their unique personalities (and different machines) which help keep things fresh. Anyway, "South" is where a bit more of my sentiment shows through. Its where my older white 24" iMac Core 2 Duo desktop sleeps, eats and works like a slave.

Although it's getting a bit slow (it's only got 2GB of RAM), it was the first machine I ever truly dedicated to UMG so I can't part with it. Around and underneath it, I keep photos of my fondest friends who have been there for me throughout the years and have seen UMG crawl, walk and eventually run to where it is today. The desk is littered with memories and keepsakes that I've collected over time...old ticket stubs (F1 Indianapolis anyone?), print materials I love, souvenirs from's all here. Anyone spot the ABS-CBN mug in the background?? Oh, and can't forget my newest buttons! Woot!

Even more than that, the desk I use is one my parents bought for me in elementary school. It was WAY more mature than a fifth-grader ever needed, but I'm glad it stuck around for me to grow up into (I'll get there eventually, haha). There's a lot to be inspired by in the space (for me anyway) and that's why I keep my Wacom Intuos 3 (4x6) tablet there to sketch my ideas away. Keeping it company is a Logitech MX Revolution mouse which is probably the best mouse I've ever used. Although I am a big Apple fanman, I really don't like their mice for any serious/long-hour work. OH...and my sister just recently gave gave me that neat-o Marc Jacobs mousepad. Fancy shmancy.

Mind the dust (ahem...embarrassing), but this is one of the hard drives that sits in the duuurty south with my ol' iMac. It's the super-ultra-mega-world-destroying quite affordable and sensible Western Digital MyBook Essential 1TB. Just spruced up with a little UMG sticker.

Over on the west side, things are a bit more "business" than "casual" least for now. It's utterly devoid of decoration, though I do have a basket of pillows beneath the desk for emergency "sit up n' nap" purposes, haha. Anyway, I just recently picked up an Apple 24" Cinema monitor to lug around with me if my laptop (15" MacBook Pro unibody) just isn't enough. I didn't really bother snapping a pic of it though because it just looks like the typical Apple slab o' aluminum with a black face. As a fool proof theft deterrent to distinguish itself from other cinema displays, it has its own UMG irremovable laser-etched branding sticker...though this one is obviously from the black colorway run. There's an old school 15" Powerbook G4 tucked under there too if I just need something to browse on while photos or vids are exporting on my other machines.

As we continue the tour, you'll stumble upon more hard drives (albeit my portable variants). They tend to prefer the west coast lifestyle. And yup you guessed it...that's another UMG sticker wrapped around it. Lost in the bokeh, you'll find one of a few Calumet CF card readers.

Last but not least, I have some gifts my friend Kyle from 141 Eyewear sent over a few months ago. If you haven't taken the time to check out what they're all would be a good time. Give this a click. you know you want to. But anyway, Kyle sent me over a copy of Rules of the Red Rubber Ball - which is like another version of Dr. Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go" except it's directly focusing on finding and sustaining your life's work and passion. It's a great read.

In the end, I think the space is really "me". It's a little quirky and fun...and serious and subdued. It's a combination of huge sentiment, memories and dreams...and the passionate business that was made from it. It's nothing super fancy by any means, but it's a place where I can be myself doing exactly what I love and in turn, reflecting that passion in everything we do at UMG. And that, more than anything else, is most important.

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