Tuesday, November 17, 2009

iamselfless.org is UP!

So recently I decided to get the wheels moving on a passion project I've been wanting to do since I graduated from college and now I feel is the right time to actually put it on paper the web. So what IS this whole selfless "thing" about?

Well first of all, I wanted it to be a hub where people could be educated about different (and worthwhile) causes worldwide. There are tons of people with good intentions out there, but it's not easy to sift through them all and find the ones you really want to be a part of. Spreading the awareness of domestic and global issues was quintessentially important as well, though doing so in a more youthful, global and creative way was a priority. Through all the amazing artists, musicians, entrepreneurs and big thinkers that I've met through Unscene Media, I really believe it can be a very powerful experience.

On top of being a resource and hub for existing causes, I envisioned that SELFLESS would eventually hold its own events in conjunction with Unscene Media and all of its supporters to help drive people to ACTION. It's an avenue where we, independent of our Unscene Media selves, can use our creative licenses for imparting real world change and appreciate the works of others. And in a world where the self and the selfish have reigned supreme for so long (and in many ways continues to do so), I find it quintessentially important to break that trend, mindset and habit however small our influence may be.

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