Friday, June 5, 2009

Small Edits...I Mean Complete Redesign

There are a couple new ideas that are being launched at HPIVF, so I figured a few, small edits to their current website would be enough to allow a proper introduction. The more I played around with some things, though, the more I just wanted to start from scratch and build something that would be a.) more functional, b.) easily expandable, c.) a return to simplicity and d.) be unlike any other website in their field. To meet these goals, I went through the typical checklists from the "Web Design Bible" - A List Apart:

  • Set clear goals

  • Organize the pages

  • Lay out the pages

  • Develop a personality

  • Define the fit and finish

  • Design confidently

Via A List Apart

Once I got that far, I had to heavily consider the following in relation to everything I had created so far:
  • The position and color of the primary call to action

  • Position on the page of testimonials, if used

  • Whether linked elements are in text or as images

  • The amount of “white space” on a page, giving the content space to “breathe”

  • The position and prominence of the main heading

  • The number of columns used on the page

  • The number of visual elements competing for attention

  • The age, sex and appearance of someone in a photo

Via A List Apart

After coming up with a couple versions of the new site and some testing, I ultimately decided on what I thought would be the best direction for HPIVF. Here are some screenshots of the old vs. new prior to official launch:



The multi-column design really helped add valuable content and throughout. It also allowed me to feature rotating content-appropriate links (within the site or otherwise) on every page that may interest the user. In addition to these things, the site will have a full media section with ways to get to see inside the facility and learn about the processes/equipment unlike most "closed door" approaches of their competition.

Patients will also have easy access to everything they ever need to know (and do) with an all-new patient handbook. Aside from that, a new HPIVF blog and easy search are some of the other new additions to the new look.

As far as "small edits" are concerned, navigation will now be simple drop down menus to get visitors where they need to go faster. The contact page will also be broken down so patients will know when and who to call/e-mail depending upon their questions, scenarios and symptoms. As basic as that sounds, most other websites in this field don't take the time to do so.

Stay tuned for the full launch!

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Blogger Unknown said...

that looks much cleaner and easier to navigate than your previous layout. well done mike :-)

June 6, 2009 at 2:56 AM  
Blogger Unscene said...

thanks Alex! i'm really excited to launch it - the media section should be STACKED with a bunch of UMG photos and videos =)

June 8, 2009 at 12:49 PM  

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