Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Workspace Workspace

So LTD Magazine put out an @ work series showcasing people's private (work) spaces n' places. I always love to see the different work that people put out there and the things that inspire them, but it's cool to take that even further to see the creative/chaotic/pristine spaces that they create within. I think the spaces are very much reflective of their design methodology. I wonder if all these guys get bored with their workspace as much as I do...hmmm.

Here are a couple from the series:

markfatlace@work: Re-Designing

Workspace: Mark@Fatlace

Jessica “Yoshi” Gueco@work: Double Up

Workspace: Yoshi@Fatlace

David Perez@work: Too much information not enough Time

Workspace: David Perez Shadi
David Perez Shadi

jeffstaple@work: Command Center

Workspace: Jeff Staple

All I know is I hope David Perez Shadi's computers don't crash anytime soon. What a PITA that looks like to have to take it in to get fixed, haha. Anyway, in tribute to all the spaces in this series, here are a couple of my space as it sits now:
Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG main area

Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG media wall

Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG 15" MB Pro

Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG "illest" DS

Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG camera & idea board wall

Workspace: Unscene Media
UMG business cards w/5 inch triggers

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Design Respeck! (Part 2)

While the first installation of "Respeck" was all about function, I wanted this one to showcase some pure awesomeness from some really creative people/companies. Here's a couple things that deserve some mad "respeck":

Supra NS Spring 2009 Collection | A Complete Look

I'm particularly fond of the gray ones on the left. It's amazing what the perfect fabric and color can do to transform an already iconic design into something even more appealing for the next season. I think the initial shipments of both the gold and gray will be gone once they drop.
a la HighSnobiety

Anna The Red's Bento Factory

Where the Wild Things Are (contents):
- rice mixed with black sesame seeds and salt
- ham for his feet
- kamaboko for his terrible teeth, terrible claws and horns
- seaweed on cheddar cheese for his terrible eyes
- seaweed for his ears

- rice
- egg sheet and cheddar cheese for his crown
- seaweed on cheddar cheese for his terrible eyes
- seaweed on ham for his face
- broccoli for his rumpus stick

- rice mixed with black sesame seed and salt
- seaweed on ham for his face
- seaweed on cheddar cheese for his terrible eyes
- seaweed for his hair
- kamaboko for his terrible teeth, terrible claws and horns

I highly doubt I could hold off for that long to create something I was just going to eat 10 minutes later, but her patience and creativity deserve a LOT of credit. It's incredible. And she just does this for the sake of designing. Pure. Awesome. Check out her site here for more Bento boxes, write-ups and more!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Design Respeck! (Part 1)

Thinking back to a previous post about Dieter Rams's philosophy of what good design is, I thought it'd be a good idea to shed some light on products that I think fit the bill every now and again. Just for reference sake, here's the list again:

• Good design is innovative.
• Good design makes a product useful.
• Good design is aesthetic.
• Good design helps us to understand a product.
• Good design is unobtrusive.
• Good design is honest.
• Good design is durable.
• Good design is consequent to the last detail.
• Good design is concerned with the environment.
• Good design is as little design as possible.

Here are a couple things to start off this "Respeck" topic that I found that met most of the above criteria. Enjoy!

Anti-Theft Lunch Bags

"Tired of having your food stolen by sticky-fingered coworkers or roommates? Bullies taking your kid's lunch? Well, worry no more . . . Anti-Theft Lunch Bags are sandwich bags that have green splotches printed on both sides, making your freshly prepared lunch look spoiled. Don't suffer the injustice of having your sandwich stolen again! Protect your lunch with Anti-Theft Lunch Bags." $10 (via Think of The)

Microsoft Folding Arc Mouse

"For those of us who are frequently boarding flights, hopping on trains, and constantly on the move with our precious computers, this Folding Arc Mouse by Microsoft will not only make our digital lifestyle less stressful, it’ll enhance our nerd flair %100. It neatly folds in half for easy pocket storage and when you need to check the net, it opens to a comfortable full-size body–no hand cramps or strain. Expect this jet black gem to be hitting retailers in a few months." $60 (via CtotheJL)

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Cut & Paste 2009

Who wants to come with me? It's always a goal of mine to make it out to this and the SEED conference. I know the SEED site doesn't really get down to the nitty gritty of what it does right now, but check out Mike Rohde's sketchnotes for a little glimpse. But anyway, just watching the video from 2007's tournament makes me want to get up and buy a tablet already so I can practice and get better, haha. I can't wait! Here's a sample clip of what goes down at this digital design tournament:

Cut&Paste Digital Design Tournament 2007 from Cut&Paste on Vimeo.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey, I'm on BMWUSA!

So over the summer I was contacted by someone from BMWUSA. They were looking to start this new project to aid in the release of the facelifted 3-series. The idea was brilliant - showcase "what they built" and "what we built" side by side to illustrate how its enthusiast heritage ran in this new model's veins. It was an idea that ran very consistent with some of their latest commercials that reached out to the true enthusiasts in the community as well which I think was a really smart move for BMW.

They selected 3 of my photos to be featured on BMWUSA and asked me to write a short story for each to illustrate the inspiration behind the shots and the car itself. I had honestly forgotten about this for a bit, but my friends at IND Distribution had mentioned that it was highlighted on BMW Blog again. Here are some screenshots of my 335 from the feature (check out the tabs and favorites toolbar, haha):

I felt extremely privileged for the feature and it makes me miss the car in that form dearly. It was a blast to put the car together. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to start a new project in the near future. Here are a few of the commercials that were undoubtedly influential in this campaign:

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to the Basics

So as per my last blog, I went down to my alma mater to visit friends and watch Philippine Student Association's annual fashion show. The show itself was good - definitely made me nostalgic for the experience as I shot it. It was amazing to think that while I was down there a few years ago, SLR cameras were still huge money (and therefore never present), we used non-HD cameras (because they didn't exist on that level) and the copies we received of the show were on VHS. They've come a long way. Here are some show highlights:

Once I got home, the weather in Chicago was absolutely gorgeous. I washed my car, put it away in the garage and dusted off my old 21-speed for a ride around town.

I was able to get out to the tennis courts with my friend Mark and hit around until dark. The ride home was a lot more painful than the ride there, haha. I could tell from the get go that it's been way too long since I've been on a balance was absolutely SHOT! Regardless of that (and the front brake that constantly rubbed against the wheel, rusting chain and other issues), it was nice to get back on and ride. It makes me all the more motivated to buy a new bike for the upcoming spring and let my car get dusty instead.

Speaking of the car, I did a full studio shoot of the M3 last week with David Lai (a regular Unscene Media contributor) just before heading down to campus. It was a 2-hour-of-fun set up, but totally worth it...and totally hilarious to fill up an entire grand cherokee company car with lighting stands, rolls and equipment. I think I got a whopping 12-mpg on the way home. Here are some pics as well as a behind the scenes snap a-la I-Phone.

Behind the scenes:

I'll be posting a full HD video of the behind the scenes since people have been curious how we set everything up in the next couple blogs. Stay tuned!

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